Airstaff, DJ's, Jocks, talking heads, you know the voices in the Cobra's Head

Bruce Kahn

Morning Cobra – Weekdays- 7am – 10am

Snakeskin Blues- Sundays 7pm-8pm

Bruce is one of those guys you would call a rock dog. Since seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964, and then seeing them live a few months later, he was hooked on music and the radio.

After being a DJ on the stations at Eastern Michigan University, he had designs on pursuing that, but stumbled upon a sales career in the automotive aftermarket and cellular phone industries. Bruce has come full circle with his involvement now with Radio Cobra Detroit.

His love of music never waned, as he collects CDs and music memorabilia in his spare time, and he and his wife Renee can be found at a concert or sporting event on any given night. Yes, you can definitely call Bruce a true rock dog!!

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