Airstaff, DJ's, Jocks, talking heads, you know the voices in the Cobra's Head

Greg St. James

Morning Cobra – Weekdays- 7 am – 10 am

My name is Greg St. James and I am the Head Honcho, Chief Pilot, and Parking Lot Attendant at Radio Cobra. Join me on our new morning show Morning Cobra with Ron & Bruce every weekday from 7am to 10am for an out of this world experience that doesn’t forget our roots.

I grew up in Detroit and came of age listening to Motown and the Big 8 sounds. When I discovered WABX and met my hero Dan Carlisle (we drove around town drinking brandy and talking rock and roll)… I knew I wanted to be a DJ. My mother had hoped for law school.. but hey Ma .. I got a better plan… (When you’re 16, what does mom know?).

Fast forward to these many years and I can look back at a long career of great radio rides, including being a co-founder of 89X. Radio Cobra is not meant to be a typical radio station.. Frankly, most of them are crap these days. We believe in truth, honesty, and the power of the big beat.

When we were developing Cobra, a radio executive-type asked why we would name our station after a snake. I asked him why Keith Richards dresses like a pirate… it’s f’ing rock and roll man! That’s the real deal.. This is what radio should or could or might be now.

So climb aboard, spread the word…We are rockin’ your world around the world..

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